Can Dimensions
In the drawing above, the dimensions of the can are represented by the terms "L" (Length of the steel supporting the magnet area) "H" (Height of the steel supporting the magnet area) and "T" (The length of the endbell mounting tab). It is essential that each of these dimensions correspond to the type of magnet/set-up you are trying to build.
Options For Length of the Magnet Area ("L"):
() .260" (Typically used for EuroSport/F1 on small diameter {.590id} cans with either short or standard tab length)
() .300" (Typically used for EuroSport on small diameter {.590id} cans with standard tab length)
() .330" (Typically used for EuroSport as well as Cobalt 12 although can diameter and tab length differ for the two - short tab for C-12 and small dia can @ "Small Block" tab length for E\S)
() .355" (Typically used for Cobalt 12 with short tab length {.110"})
() .370" (Typically used for Unlimited {Grp-7} with standard {.160"} tab length)
() .385" (Typically used for Unlimited {Grp-7} with standard {.160"} tab length)
() .400" (Typically used for Grp27 with "27" tab length and 400L magnets)
() .440" (Typically used for Group 27Lite with .110" tab length)
Options for Height of the Magnet Area ("H"):
() .316"
() .400"
() .420"
() .450"
() .470"
() .490"
() .505"
() .515"
TAB ("T")
There are four standard tab lengths. The "Normal" tab length is approximately .160" and is well suited for EuroSport and Grp-7 "PK" and similar length armatures. For extremely short commutator spacing such as Cobalt 12, 440 length can 27's (ie 27Lite) or Ultra-short EuroSport, the short (.110") tab length is appropriate
The 400 magnet length Grp 27 can requires an adjusted length tab but it is not necessary to specify tab length as it is standard for that can type. The same is true for the "Small Block" EuroSport can type